Industrial - commercial centre "IMDOS" (ICC " IMDOS" Ltd) is organized in 1991.
The basic specialization of the center – development, designing and manufacturing burner devices for the enterprises of oil refining and petrochemistry.
On the basis of the cumulative operating experience of burners exploitation at domestic oil refining factories (ORF) and in view of toughening safety requirements, economic use of fuel and to emissions of pollutants, for last five years a released series of production which on quality and technical decisions does not concede to the advanced foreign analogues is completely updated.
• A range of commodities is submitted by burner in the range of heat capacities completely covering ORF’s needs:
forced-draft gas and gas-oil burners of rated heat release 1,6; 2,5; 4,0 and 6,3 megawatt;
natural-draft gas and gas-oil burners of rated heat release 1,6; 2,5; 3,2 and 4,0 megawatt.
• A number of gas burners for waste gases afterburning is offered:
forced-draft burners – of rated heat release 1,6; 2,5; 4,0 and 6,3 megawatt;
natural-draft burners – of rated heat release 1,6; 2,5; 3,2 and 4,0 megawatt.
• Burners with low emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) were developed and successfully reviewed on the flame test bench and on the industrial furnaces.
• According to the requirement of item 5.3.1 PB 09-563-03 «Rules of industrial safety for oil refining manufactures» all burners are equipped with the built - in pilot gas burner.
• According to the requirement of item 5.3.2 PB 09-563-03 all burners, can be packaged with the built - in units of the flame failure control which design provides the independent control of flames of the main and pilot burners.
• All burners produced by ICC "IMDOS" Ltd, are notable for convenience in installation and running, high reliability and maintainability.
During many years ICC "IMDOS" Ltd. cooperates with the design organizations developing the furnace equipment:
- Public corporation «All Russia Designed Research Institute of Refinery («ARDRIpetroleum»)
- Public corporation «SPC «Сedar-89»
- «Aliter-Axsi» Ltd;
- SPF «Eitek» Ltd;
- Public corporation «The central design office of the petroequipment» (DPC CDOP);
- Public corporation «Lukoil-Rostovpetrochemistryproject».
Presently burners of ICC "IMDOS" Ltd. equip rebuild furnaces meet the advanced requirements on emissions of harmful substances, to parameters of economic consumption of fuel, safety, reliability and maintainability. For last years such furnaces are:
- R-P-201 … 204 Public corporation “Slavneft – Yaroslavpetroorgsynthesis”;
- Vacuum furnaces of Public corporation “Moscow ORF” and Public corporation
”New - Ufa ORF”;
- Furnaces of installations AVT on ORF Ploeshti (Romania);
- АТ-9 Public corporation “Sibneft – Omsk ORF”;
- ELОU АТ-6 Public corporation “Ryazan SPC”.
ICC "IMDOS" Ltd. supplied with its burners furnace of installations after reconstruction:
- L24/6, VТ-6, R-P-205 Public corporation “Slavneft – Yaroslavpetroorgsynthesis”;
- АТ-6, units of hydrofining and sulfur manufacturing of Public corporation
“SC “Rosneft” – Comsomolsk-ORF”;
- Plants 24/7 and АТ-6 Public corporation “Lukoil – Nizegorodpetroorgsynthesis” of Kstovo.
ICC "IMDOS" Ltd, incorporating the highly skilled and certificated experts, makes also the following kinds of works:
• Development and manufacturing of special burners according to the technical project of the Customer;
• Development and manufacturing vacuum producing devices;
• Development and manufacturing heat-exchange equipment;
• Development and manufacturing of the non-standard equipment;
• Testing units and plants of various devices for definition its hydraulic, consumption and other characteristics;
• Realization hydraulic, gas-dynamic, thermal calculations;
• Setting-up a heat engineering equipment;
• Analyzing of work heat engineering equipment;
• Technical consultations on questions of burners operating, vacuum producing devices and the other equipment.
As a result of ICC "IMDOS" Ltd. activity, bases of calculation for burner devices have been developed on the basis of the unique methods used in military-industrial complex.
During burner’s development are used stands for model purges of setting parts of burners various elements, which allow to determine velocity fields, discharge coefficient of setting parts and other characteristics.
On the basis of the data received during model tests by air, are carried out mathematical models of burners which allow:
- to determine the sizes of all dimension-type of some burners;
- to carry out selection of burners under actual operating conditions;
- to analyze operatively burner’s operating mode during setting and adjustments of the furnace;
- to realize preliminary calculations of redeveloped burners models.
Realization of model tests and use of burners mathematical models allow to define at an early design stage an optimum configuration of a burner as a whole (providing uniform submission of fuel and combustion air in the burning area, guaranteeing the characteristics defined in the performance specification, etc.), that essentially reduces quantity of preliminary firing tests.
The basic burners flame tests are realized at the certificated stand of the Test center of burners devices and gas using equipment (TC BDGE) Kamensk - Shaktinskiy (the certificate of accreditation № РОСС.RU. 0001.22 МХОЗ). On Customer demand are organized flame tests for industrial furnaces under conditions maximum approached to operation conditions.
Burners have certificates of conformity (SP «SC NASTНОL», SPA «RSRIHE-CERTIFICATE", CC "Composite - certificate") and sanctions of the Russian Federation Engineering supervision organization on serial manufacturing and application.